A Transcriptome Atlas Database for Mouse Embryo
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Publishing and Data Access

The central Eurxpress Transcriptome Atlas Database is accessible via web-browser interfaces and a number of standard APIs such as BioMart, DAS and Web-Services. In addition the data is to be pubished via existing gene-expression resources: EMAGE, GenePaint and MGI/GXD. EMAGE will provide 2D and 3D data mapped onto embryo models to provide standard spatio-temporal indexing. GenePaint provides integration with other data and tuned interfaces for anatomy queries and MGI/GXD provides intergration with all gene-expression data from the literature.

Assay Viewer

The EurExpress web-site offers unique query and browse capabilities. These include the novel and sortable gene-expression strength and coverage "bar-code", the linking of the anatomy ontology with a high-resolution zoom-viewer and query by pattern similarity. The zoom-viewer technology allows overlays and anotations which has been used to deliver the anatomical atlases developed as part of the project.

EurExpress web interfaces

In addition to user-browse and query via the web-site there are a number of Java-based analysis tools to enable data clustering and analysis. For "power-users" and bioinformaticians who require direct access to the DB and data-download EurExpress provides the APIs BioMart, DAS and Web-Services. Upload to the UCSC Genome Browser is also supported.